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Ford kåret som det mest innovative mærke i bilbranchen

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Ford kåret som det mest innovative mærke i bilbranchen

Der var benhård konkurrence til det årlige ’AutomotiveINNOVATIONS Awards’, hvor flere end 80 bilmærker var repræsenteret i kampen om fornemme branchepriser. Det er det uafhængige tyske institut, Centre of Automotive Management, og den tyske konsulentvirksomhed, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH, der star bag prisuddelingen, som altså har udpeget Ford som vinder af ’Most Innovative Volume Brand 2023’.

Hele 1.088 forskellige innovationer dystede til dette års prisuddeling, hvor Ford endte på en flot førsteplads med en samlet score på 91,2, mens Volkswagen fulgte efter på en andenplads med 82,0 point, og Toyota på en tredjeplads med 64,6 point.

- Vi har gennem vores 120 år lange historie løbende lanceret innovationer, produceret biler og udviklet teknologier, der sætter kundernes behov i fokus. I dag udvikler bilindustrien sig hurtigere end nogensinde før og at blive anerkende for vores innovation netop nu, er derfor særlig fantastisk. Det er samtidig et bevis på vores omstillingsparathed, udvikling og ambitioner for virksomheden, siger Silke Seitz, Director, Digital Products Europe, Ford Motor Company.

Udover den flotte hovedpris som ’Most Innovative Volume Brand 2023’, vandt Ford også kategorien ’Autonomous Driving & ADAS’ for det håndfri førerassistancesystem, BlueCruise (niveau to).Systemet er tilgængeligt på udvalgte markeder og er blandt andet blevet godkendt til motorvejskørslen på udvalgte strækninger i Storbritannien.

Ford vandt desuden også førstepladsen i kategorien ’Connected Car Services’ for SYNC4 i Ford Focus, mens Ford fik to flotte andenpladser i kategorierne ’Electric Drive’ og ’Interface and Connectivity’.

Dette års AutomotiveINNOVATIONS Awards var den 11. gang, at den uafhængige jury kårede vindere i diverse kategorier indenfor bilbranchen.

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About Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan, committed to helping build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. The company’s Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines existing strengths, new capabilities and always-on relationships with customers to enrich experiences for customers and deepen their loyalty. Ford develops and delivers innovative, must-have Ford trucks, sport utility vehicles, commercial vans and cars and Lincoln luxury vehicles, along with connected services. The company does that through three customer-centered business segments: Ford Blue, engineering iconic gas-powered and hybrid vehicles; Ford Model e, inventing breakthrough EVs along with embedded software that defines exceptional digital experiences for all customers; and Ford Pro, helping commercial customers transform and expand their businesses with vehicles and services tailored to their needs. Additionally, Ford is pursuing mobility solutions through Ford Next, and provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford employs about 174,000 people worldwide. More information about the company and its products and services is available at corporate.ford.com.

Ford, a global American brand woven into the fabric of Europe for more than 100 years, is committed to freedom of movement that goes hand-in-hand with looking after the planet and each other. The company’s Ford+ plan, with Model e, Ford Pro and the Ford Blue business units is accelerating its European transformation to an all-electric and carbon neutral future by 2035. The company is driving forward with bold, new EVs, each one designed with European drivers in mind and innovating with services to help people connect, communities grow, and businesses thrive. Selling and servicing Ford vehicles in 50 individual European markets, operations also include the Ford Motor Credit Company, Ford Customer Service Division and 14 manufacturing facilities (eight wholly owned and six unconsolidated joint venture facilities) with four centres based in Cologne, Germany; Valencia, Spain and at our joint venture in Craiova, Romania and Kocaeli, Türkiye. Ford employs approximately 34,000 people at its wholly owned facilities and consolidated joint ventures and approximately 56,000 people including unconsolidated businesses across Europe. More information about the company, its products and Ford Credit is available at corporate.ford.com.


Lene Dahlquist

Lene Dahlquist

Pressekontakt Comm. & Public Affairs manager, Ford of Denmark & Head of Nordic Communication & PA, Ford of Europe Pressekontakt i relation til Ford Motor Company Danmark samt overordnet Nordisk ansvar 43480620

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Ford i Danmark

Ford Motor Company Danmark ligger i Ballerup og består af ca. 50 engagerede medarbejdere. Ford er en global og dynamisk organisation, hvor udadvendthed og tæt samarbejde med forhandlere, værksteder og partnere har højeste prioritet.

Vi er stolte af vores biler, som blandt andet er kendt for deres klasseledende køreegenskaber, dynamiske design og nyeste teknologier.

Ford Motor Company

Borupvang 1
DK-2750 Ballerup